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Meet Lara Shah | Actress in Television, Film, Commercials, Print, and VO

May 25, 2022

We had the good fortune of connecting with Lara Shah and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Lara, how has your background shaped the person you are today?
I was born and raised in our beautiful Garden State – New Jersey – in a tiny little town called Iselin. If you’ve ever been to Jersey, you’ll understand its quirky vibe. That weirdness, the eclectic hodgepodge feeling, that coming-of-age energy, the beta to New York’s alpha, runs strong and deep within my blood. Mind you, I also grew up there in the 90s, where anything and everything was possible. Jersey is the armpit of America, the dumping ground for NYC’s garbage and bad jokes, and the loser little sibling to our big, shiny Manhattan sibling, but there’s a reason so many movies are set in NJ. There’s something so magical about it – Sinatra, Atlantic City, the Jersey Shore (the place not the show), homey diners, Bon Jovi..

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Lara Shah

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  • We are geeks who are determined to create the best movie website.

  • We don't like how movie websites are doing. There's no evolution. Just stagnation.

  • We don't trust reviews by film critics or random strangers — however we DO trust and care about the opinions of our close friends.

  • We know who killed Laura Palmer.

Lara Shah


Lara Shah is an actor and producer in Los Angeles. She started her acting career in Austin, TX and has since been in over 100 films, television shows, music videos, and commercials since her venture into the creative side of the entertainment industry. Lara has won Best Actress awards for her lead roles in "Trippin' to the Altar" and "Kendall County Hunters." Lara has a passion for storytelling and entertainment: she was a television anchor in high school, a radio host at Boston University, and an intern at MTV Networks in NYC. She also worked for five years in Domestic TV Distribution Sales at Warner Bros. in NYC. In 2011, she traveled to Wilmington, NC to play a Detective on "One Tree Hill." The experience convinced her to finally pursue her passion. Lara studies with Lesly Kahn & Company in Los Angeles.

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